엘리엇 킴 작품방/편지글(서한집) 227

Your Who's Who in Poetry Nomination * Final Notice *

Dear Elliot, This note comes to you with a high degree of urgency. As of today, we have not received your International Who's Who in Poetry submission. We recently informed you that over the past several months, we reviewed thousands of poems submitted to us, as well as thousands of poems that have appeared on the Internet and in various editions released by other poetry publishers in America a..

청서.hwp2005년 4월 29일 금요일, 오전 01시 25분 58초

청서(A Blue Letter) ahemsrjf sjdprp qkclsek. (모든 걸 너에게 바친다.) tkfkadml ahems wjdtjdhk (사람의 모든 정서와) anfqnf dksrkflsms ahems gudghkdml tjdqnsrhk (물불 안가리는 모든 형화의 성분과) wj gksmfdp rnfmarhk (저 하늘에 구름과) ahems tjdwjdr (모든 성정,) dlfma gkf tn dlTsms ahems rjtdml rmstjdrhk (이름 할 수 있는 모든 것의 근성과) dl..