엘리엇 킴 작품방/편지글(서한집)

2006년 3월 27일 월요일, 오전 01시 42분 18초(Alex Yawar)

imaginerNZ 2007. 11. 27. 05:35
제목 |
새창 인쇄
Re: Au Revoir, Zizou 관련제목검색 ?   닫기
보낸날짜 | 2006년 3월 27일 월요일, 오전 01시 42분 18초 +0900
받는이 | imag1114@hanmail.net  

Dear Mr Kim,

I hope this e-mail finds you in the best of health. I was absolutely delighted and very moved to read your wonderful poem. I am glad that you enjoyed the piece. For now I will be posting fairly regularly, so please do let me know if there are any players or teams you would like me to write about.

With best wishes,

Asad Alex Yawar